'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket

  • 'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket
    'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket
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    Bastard Theatre

    • The impressive story of the master writer of Turkish literature, Ömer Seyfettin, comes to life on stage! “BİÇ” draws the audience into a deep questioning by presenting a powerful narrative about the suffering of humanity, social contradictions and cultural alienation.

    • This play takes you on a nostalgic journey while also addressing the complex emotional and social dynamics of the modern world. The unique atmosphere of Egypt provides a backdrop for a story that intertwines sadness and fun.

    • “BASTARD” is not just a theater play, but also an impressive narrative that holds a mirror to humanity’s past and present. You can take advantage of the discounted ticket advantage to reserve your place in this magnificent play!

    Game Day and Time

    Ah Egypt! Some Turks go there to have fun, to get a change of air! I wonder how they can stand that life, that scenery? Is it possible to have fun at the bedside of a sad and weak patient whose lungs have been attacked by millions of tuberculosis microbes, is it possible to drink wine, have fun and shout over the flowing and not yet dried blood of a wounded person? I cannot possibly sit still for a week. Wide and car-filled streets, squares with statues, big banks rising like an impenetrable force and a fortress, big theaters, money, ornate and crystal casinos resembling fairy palaces… These foreign institutions always create a heavy nightmare for me. It gets on my nerves to think that everything that is seen with the eye, or what it is, belongs to foreigners. I cannot look at these poor Arab brothers of mine, the turbaned natives who wander around with their necks bent, weak and sad, as if they were yellow and withered, under the cruel and cunning, brutal and dishonorable shadows of the innumerable hats that fill the streets, without feeling a deep ache in my heart.

    Book: Omer Seyfettin
    Adapted & Played by: Oğuzhan Karadavut
    Production: Oncu Köy Media
      • In scenes where seat numbers are selected, you can enter the hall by sharing the SMS or Email sent to you with the attendant. In scenes where there is no seat selection, seat numbers are determined automatically by the Organizer.

      • The offer is only valid for the game on the date and time purchased.

      • You can purchase as many coupons as you want and use them for yourself or as gifts for your loved ones.

      • This offer cannot be combined with other discounts and campaigns.

      • Your Firsat.me coupon code will be sent to your e-mail address and mobile phone or you can access it from the "My Opportunities" section on the site.
    Based on real customer experiences.
    Onuncu Köy Medya
    Meşrutiyet Cad. Hatay Sok. 7/14 Kızılay , Çankaya / ANKARA , (312) 419 66 10
    Reference ID: 87065
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    'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket
    'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket
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    'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket
    'Bastard' Theatre Play Ticket
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